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SERMO started from a doctor€™s creative burst of frustration. Perplexed about a patient case, he needed to talk to his peers and get a €œcurbside.€ But no other physician with the expertise he needed was readily at hand. €œWouldn€™t it be great if we could just post it online and collaborate that way?€ he wondered.

His question turned into an obsession for creating a collaborative physician environment. The doctors€™ lounge of old is gone; hallway conversations are rare as doctors juggle 13-hour days with nonstop patient visits. How about a private community just for us? Within 12 months SERMO.com was born. SERMO is Latin for €œconversation€ and we can€™t imagine a more appropriate name.

- See more at: http://www.sermo.com/who-we-are/history

Contact Address200 Park Avenue South, Ste 1310New York NY USA
Phone NumberNA
Email info@sermo.com
CategoryConsumer Experience

Listing ID: 684582f07306ebc6

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