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Health IT Directory :

About Us

About Us

Providing IT Solutions to Tens of Thousands of Health Plan Decision Makers. Showcase Your Solution.

As our health care system transforms at an astounding pace, IT products and services continue to take a pivotal role in improving health care, managing costs, and allowing stakeholders to work together seamlessly.

The Challenge?

With more limited resources than ever, health plans have to cull through thousands of products, and companies–from start-ups to established players–to figure out the best solutions.

The Solution Health Plans Are Looking For—AHIP Health IT Directory.

Filled with IT solution providers, the AHIP Health IT Directory is like a desktop consultant for health plans, always ready when they’re ready, offering streamlined searches, and saving them valuable time.

Don’t miss the opportunity for health plans to quickly and easily find your product and service:

  • Multiple formats, including a website, pdf and eBook option, allows plans flexibility to access information in various ways
  • Searchable by both broad topics and more specific product types
  • Wide distribution among and within health plans. As IT products and services touch so many areas within a health plan, you’ll have access to both traditional and non-traditional health plan decision makers.
  • Ongoing distribution–like any organization’s database, AHIP’s continues to grow. The directory will be provided to new contacts throughout the year
  • Additional Promotional Support–beyond direct distribution, AHIP will promote through digital and social media channels, at AHIP events, and more.

Flexible Sponsorship Packages to Meet Your Goals and Budget.

We’ll work with you on a sponsorship package that delivers results. Overall sponsorship packages include:goldm


Will Health Plans See Your IT Product or Service?

Be part of this go-to resource that AHIP and DistilNFO will promote directly to health plans. Choose the sponsorship option that fits your goals and budget. Contact us today and start seeing results.

BusinessDevelopment@ahip.org | 866.707.AHIP